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888 Results for southeast river runs

Clean Coal: A Costly Chimera?

The subject of coal has been dominating news lately.  After being unregulated for decades, the Environmental Protection Agency is finally crafting regulations to limit carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants.  Currently, proposed…


2013 - a big year for Florida's fight against the nuclear 'tax'

Reflecting back on 2013, the work that stands out the most for me is the campaign to repeal the advanced nuclear recovery fee, or "nuclear tax." For years, SACE has been actively involved in…


FL, GA, and AL Failing to Properly Regulate Coal Ash

This post is part two of a two-part series exploring the state of coal ash regulation and clean up in the Southeast. Part one focused on North and South Carolina and Tennessee. Part…


What do a Rabbi, a Brew-pub Owner, a Mayor, an Economist, and a Reverend have in common?

...the belief that we have an economic, environmental and a moral imperative to protect our Southeastern coastal communities, natural resources and businesses from the perils of global warming. SACE Leads Diverse Coalition…


EVERYONE Needs Access to Reliable Charging in order to Transition to Electric Transportation

A SACE staffer's personal experiences with an electric vehicle taught her that it is absolutely critical that utility and public investments center equity and make charging available for folks like her.