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1252 Results for free-market-climate

EPA Takes Historic First Step to Plug the Leaks on Methane Pollution

In a historic announcement today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized the first national standards for reducing methane pollution from the oil and gas sector. These methane rules are part…


Nuclear loans provide a false solution to climate change

I was on CNN yesterday responding to the nuclear loan guarantee announcement by President Obama.  We are seriously disappointed in this action and SACE released a statement warning against the risk loan…


President to Attend Copenhagen Climate Talks

Administration Announces U.S. Emission Target for Copenhagen The White House announced today that President Obama will travel to Copenhagen on Dec. 9 to participate in the United Nations Climate Change Conference, where…


Hurricanes and Climate Change

This blog is the first of a four-part series by Chris Carnevale, and Simon Mahan (former Energy Policy Manager), and Jennifer Rennicks (former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern…


To Experience Art and Climate Change, Visit Hialeah!

This blog by Erin N. Marcus, M.D was originally published on Huffington Post on December 3 here. It is reprinted with permission from the author. Forget the Champs Elysees. If you really want…


Why Equity Must Be Central to Transportation Electrification

Electric transportation can be both the figurative and literal vehicle to help further social justice and improve the lives and livelihoods of many in low-income and rural communities.


Building an Inclusive Movement to Advance a Sustainable Planet

 This guest post was written by Jacqueline Patterson, Director of the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program, and originally appeared on the Religious Action Center of Reformed Judaism blog on April 22, 2015 and is reprinted…


Q&A: Clean Energy Generation Member Bruce Johnson

Clean Energy Generation member Bruce Johnson spoke with SACE about leading his small town of Winterville, Georgia on a path to 100% clean renewable energy – and about how you don't have…


6 Things Every American Should Know About the Clean Power Plan

This blogpost was written by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and originally published on August 3rd on EPA Connect Blog here. Today, President Obama will unveil the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Power…