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888 Results for southeast river runs

Why the South is the Next Frontier for Wind Energy

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


Historic Announcement Advances Solar For Tens of Thousands of Households with Low Incomes

New programs unveiled today in a historic announcement will help make solar energy more accessible for people with low income and in disadvantaged communities throughout the Southeast. The Solar For All program,…


Decoding the Impact of Gas Prices on Electric Bills

Increasing bill volatility is one of many drawbacks of a gas-reliant electric system. We need to change the way we regulate fuel cost recovery and move away from heavy gas reliance.


Southeastern Communities Get Million Dollar Sustainability Boost

The Southeast has long struggled to meet its resident’s needs for energy efficiency retrofits and lower utility bills. The reason why the programs that meet those needs struggle to get off the…


Winter Storm Blackouts - Reflections from a Year Later

Southeast utilities are using the specter of blackouts last year to double down on the resource that failed customers the most: gas. Instead utilities should look to energy efficiency, solar and storage,…