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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

Packed House at EPA's Atlanta Hearing on Carbon Rules

 Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency began two days of public hearings in Atlanta to gather public input on its proposed Clean Power Plan.  Originally planned as a one-day hearing, EPA added an…


EPA Clean Power Plan Underestimates Power of Renewable Energy to Reduce Carbon Emissions

This blog was written by Steve Clemmer, Director of Energy Research, Clean Energy at the Union of Concerned Scientists and originally appeared on UCS' blog "The Equation."  The original post can be…


TVA mistruths highlight need for more oversight over unregulated monopoly power company

TVA CEO Jeff Lyash's mistruths stated recently on TV highlight the need for independent oversight of TVA so that customers are not harmed by the unregulated, federal monopoly treating fantasies as truth.


The 2022 Rate Case: Georgia Power’s $2.9 Billion Ask  

In the 2022 rate case, the Georgia PSC will determine what are "fair and reasonable" rates and charges Georgia Power can collect from its ~2.7 million customers over the next three years.


SACE Input on the Georgia Power IRP (Integrated Resource Plan)

SACE formally intervenes in the Georgia Power IRP (Integrated Resource Plan) process. This blog summarizes our recommendations for expanding energy efficiency and renewables in the plan.


Big Errors in Measuring Carbon Emissions from Power Plants

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


UCS “Dwindling Role for Coal” Report: Wind and Solar Could Help Replace Coal in the Southeast

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Overview of Duke's Proposed NC Carbon Plan

On May 16, 2022, Duke Energy submitted its proposal for a Carbon Plan to meet goals legislated by HB 951 to the North Carolina Utilities Commission. Here is a summary of what…


On the Eve of 2023, North Carolina Utilities Commission Releases Carbon Plan

Next planning process to be influenced by Inflation Reduction Act and recent winter storm blackouts.


Hundreds of individuals and groups, including Nashville and the EPA, submit comments on TVA’s proposed gas power plant and pipeline

Hundreds of concerned individuals, organizations, local elected officials, and power providers in the Tennessee Valley criticized TVA's proposed Cumberland fossil gas power plant and pipeline plans, and are calling instead for the…