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496 Results for tennessee

Knoxville Jail Locks Up One of the Largest Solar Hot Water Systems in the Nation

Contributions to this blogpost were made by SACE's Lauren Steier and Joanna Malcom of FLS Energy. A huge solar hot water system was recently installed on Knox County's Detention Center just outside…


Should MLGW Break Free From TVA?

In the coming months, Memphis Light, Gas and Water (MLGW), which provides electricity to Memphis residents, will be evaluating its long-term plan for obtaining power. MLGW currently purchases wholesale energy from the…


Do Southeastern utilities deserve high marks for helping manufacturing?

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Energy Efficiency in the Southeast Annual Report: Federal Funding Adds to Tremendous Potential

Despite years of underinvestment on efficiency in the Southeast, a massive infusion of new federal funding and recent changes in utility resource planning create a once-in-a-generation opportunity to cash in our region's…


Five Key Priorities for New TVA Board Leadership

On February 16, six new members of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Board of Directors will join three existing members for the first quarterly TVA Board meeting of 2023 in Florence, Alabama.…


TVA wind purchases open the door to new opportunities

Quietly, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has been signing contracts with several wind developers that will put the federal utility in a position to significantly grow its wind energy portfolio in 2012,…


Senate Approves TVA Board Nominees

All six of President Biden's nominees for the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Board of Directors were confirmed by the US Senate on December 21, 2022.


Evidence Mounts As We Wait For Meaningful Coal Ash Regulation

EPA has finally taken initial action to regulate coal ash.  In a preliminary announcement on May 4, EPA proposed two distinctly different options for regulating the toxic mess left behind from burning…