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531 Results for turkey point

A Nobel Prize for a Behavioral Economics Pioneer: Are there Lessons for (Utility) Regulation?

This is a guest post of a blog written by Scott Hempling which originally ran on his law firm's blog in November 2017 here. Richard Thaler has won the Nobel Prize in…


Rapid Growth: "Solar in the Southeast" Annual Report blog series (part 2 of 5)

This is part two in a five-part series about the SACE “Solar in the Southeast” 2017 Annual Report. To view other blogs in this series, click here. Rapid Growth & Tremendous Potential “The…


Bills seek to promote solar freedom in SC Legislature

Several bills have been introduced in the South Carolina Legislature to promote solar freedom and reduce energy costs for consumers. These bills seek to help consumers, who are now burdened with having…


Damning Report by Inspector General Exposes the Truth About TVA's Luxury Jet

After watchdog groups raised questions about the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) purchase of seemingly unnecessary and exorbitant aircraft, TVA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report summarizing its own audit of…


How will TVA's Grid Access Charge Affect Your Rates?

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


MLK 50: Our First Family March in Memphis with NAACP

This blog post was written by Jason Carney, former Clean Energy Program Manager with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Electric Vehicles: Driving Reduced Demand for Offshore Oil, Part 3 of 3 - "Findings and Conclusions"

This blog was co-written by Chris Carnevale & Simon Mahan, former Energy Policy Manager for the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


The evolution of clean cars - an interview with a new Tesla Model 3 owner

SACE Board President, John Noel, recently bought the new Tesla Model 3. I had a chance to chat with him recently about his new purchase and discuss his thoughts on the vehicle.…


Hurricanes and Climate Change - What We Know for 2018 Season

Hurricane season officially begins today and runs through November. This is the six month period when hurricanes typically occur in the Atlantic. Forecasts for the 2018 hurricane season indicate that it will…


Electric Vehicle Weekly News Roundup - June 15

Today marks the kickoff of one of the world’s most unifying events, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association FIFA World Cup in Russia!  I’m hoping to see some electric car ads while cheering…