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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

The New Nuclear Craze

This op-ed by Mark Bittman, originally appeared here in the New York Times. There is a new discussion about nuclear energy, prompted by well-founded concerns about carbon emissions and fueled by a…


Engaging on Energy: Wind Power in the Southeast

Wind power is a clean, low-cost energy resource that can help reduce impacts of climate change. Wind energy also ensures clean air and water, protecting our public health and natural resources. Thanks…


Utility-Backed Amendment 1 Blocks the Sun

Florida is the Sunshine State, right? But you wouldn’t know it by looking at Florida rooftops. There are 9 million electricity customers, yet less than 12,000 solar rooftop systems. Even though Florida…


The Alabama I Used to Know: Is the Southeast Getting Climate- and Water-Smarter?

This blog by John Rogers, senior energy analyst for the Union of Concerned Scientists' Clean Energy program, originally appeared on The Equation on August 8, 2013. It is part of a series…


TVA Continues to Mismanage Solar Power

Charlie Coggeshall, SACE Renewable Energy Manager, also contributed to this post. Last month the Tennessee Valley Authority proudly announced what they considered to be good news: That their 2013 Green Power Provider…


Who has been getting $1.4 billion in rate cuts from TVA?

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Plant Vogtle: End Of An Era (or is that an "error"?)

After 25 rounds of semi-annual Vogtle Construction Monitoring (VCM), that VCM process is now changing.


Many Coal Plants in the Southeast STILL Ripe for Retirement

The Union of Concerned Scientists(UCS) recently released an update to their existing report that identifies many coal units in the Southeast as "Ripe for Retirement."   UCS re-analyzed the economics of operating coal…


The EPA market manipulation switcheroo

This guest blog was written by Tyson Slocum, the director of Public Citizen's Energy Program, and was originally published on May 30 in The Hill. There is a long history of using Environmental Protection Agency…


Solar Spirit

This blog complements "40 Religious Groups Practicing Creation Care with Wind Turbines," posted February 23. Solar energy represents an opportunity to reduce one's impact on the environment, while also potentially saving money.…