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1251 Results for free-market-climate

Dear Tomorrow - A Mother's Day Letter on Climate Action

This letter was written by SACE organizer Lindsay Pace to her young daughter, Gray, for Mother's Day back in 2016 through the Dear Tomorrow campaign. Lindsay’s letter beautifully captures why she and…


Combining multiple strategies to address urban mobility needs while electrifying transportation is essential to reach our climate targets

As we work toward electrifying transportation, we must keep in mind that while replacing every vehicle on the road with an EV would vastly reduce emissions, it could also perpetuate existing inequities…


Carbon Regulation for Existing Coal Plants On the Horizon

In less than a week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will unveil its first ever carbon pollution standards for existing coal-fired power plants.  These proposed standards are expected to be released on…


Live in Copenhagen: Climate talks in rough waters

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


New Report Shows Urgency of Picking Up Pace of Climate Action

A new report by the United Nations Environment Program shows that urgent action is needed to reduce climate pollution and prevent the worst impacts of global warming. The annual Emissions Gap report, released…


Dams in the desert, windmills in the doldrums, biopower in the Berkshires

Two weeks ago, the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences released a report “Biomass Sustainability and Carbon Policy.”  I'd been looking forward to reading the study, based on the caliber of authors and…


Arctic Ice is Melting

This post is part three of our climate change blog series, Clean Energy Girl Goes to Norway. Click here to find part one and part two. Before continuing with a further recap…


To solve the climate crisis, invest in how kids get to school

This guest blog, written by Dan Lashof (Director of World Resources Institute, United States) and Sue Gander (Director of the Electric School Bus Initiative for World Resources Institute) originally ran on Data…


Energy efficiency slows climate change, saves money. Why haven't we embraced it more?

The choices we make in the next decade will either lock us into a future of fossil fuel dependence or transition us toward a clean energy future. Energy efficiency has the power…