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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

Why SACE Supports FPL’s Proposed Rate Settlement

This op-ed, written by SACE Executive Director Dr. Stephen A. Smith, originally appeared in South Florida Sun Sentinel on August 20, 2021. Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) is a nonprofit organization committed to…


Wind and solar power ready to help states meet EPA rule

This guest post, written by Tom Kiernan and Rhone Resch, was originally published on June 18 in The Hill and can be viewed here. Kiernan is CEO of the American Wind Energy Association…


New Report Highlights Power Plant Stress on Freshwater Supplies in Southeast

A new report by the Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative (EW3), “Freshwater Use by U.S. Power Plants: Electricity’s Thirst for a Precious Resource,” details how water use by power…


3 Ways to clean up the Asheville coal retirement

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy with contributions from former SACE staffers Toni Nelson and Amelia Shenstone.


Let's address needed changes in energy policy

This article, written by SACE Florida Director Susan Glickman, was originally published here on The Clean Energy Congress convenes today in Florida’s Historic Old Capitol. Sixty-seven delegates — symbolic of the…


LIVE: Utilities that Have and Have Not Suspended Disconnects Amid COVID-19

The Energy and Policy Institute is tracking which utilities are suspending disconnections during the coronavirus outbreak, as well as regulators that are mandating suspensions. The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is re-posting…


U.S. Offshore Wind Power Advancing Off Of Drawing Boards And Into The Water, New DOE Report Says

This guest post was written by Kit Kennedy, Director of Energy and Transportation for Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The piece originally appeared in NRDC's blog Switchboard on September 3, 2014. You can access it here. Could the U.S.…


2023's Record-Breaking Extreme Weather Makes Strong Power Plant Carbon Rules Even More Important

Climate change disproportionately impacts our most vulnerable communities. We need EPA to adopt the strongest possible limits on pollution from power plants in order to protect our region's health and environmental safety.


Georgia Power and Efficiency - Not Out of the Bottom Yet

This blog was written by SACE intern Jeannie McKinney and Natalie Mims. According to their second quarter report for 2011,*Georgia Power Company (GPC) has only accomplished 9 percent of their annual energy…