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890 Results for southeast river runs

Transitioning to Electric Transportation will Spur Economic Development in the Southeast

A new brief, "Transportation Electrification in the Southeast", shows that while the region is benefiting greatly from electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing job creation and economic investment, the region is not yet maximizing…


SACE’s Fourth Annual “Energy Efficiency in the Southeast” Report: Efficiency Key to Decarbonization

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, efficiency performance in the Southeast fell substantially in 2020. Utility commitments to decarbonize will fall short without substantially more energy efficiency and clear plans to…


With Weak Efficiency Policies, It's A Challenging Path to Decarbonization in the Southeast

Eliminating energy waste is the most direct way to reduce carbon emissions. But utilities won't do it at scale unless regulators build strong policy foundations to grow energy efficiency in the Southeast.


"Energy Efficiency in the Southeast" 2019 Annual Report

SACE’s "Energy Efficiency in the Southeast" 2019 report shows that Southeastern states and utilities continue to rely on expensive, outdated, carbon polluting fossil fuel power plants while underinvesting in abundant low-cost efficiency…


New "Southeast Electric Transportation Regional Initiative” Launches To Accelerate EV Market Expansion

SACE joins over 60 stakeholders collaborating to leverage transportation electrification opportunities in the Southeast.


Dan River Coal Ash Disaster Near Eden, North Carolina

Since the 2008 Kingston coal ash disaster we have often asked "when and where will it happen again"?  On Monday, February 3, 2014 we got an unfortunate answer when a stormwater pipe (that…


Waterkeepers Take Legal Action to Stop Toxic Coal Ash

Waterkeepers Take Legal Action to Stop Toxic Coal Ash from Contaminating Groundwater This blog was originally posted on EcoWatch's website - click here for the original post. On October 10, conservation groups asked the…


The Southeast is Gaining Ground in the Push to Electrify Transportation

The Southeast has secured significant electric vehicle (EV) investment over the past year, added additional jobs, increased EV sales and charger deployment, and ramped up utility engagement and state funding.


In 2021, Electric Transportation in the Southeast Took Off

2021 may prove to be the year when the electric vehicle market hit an inflection point, taking off nationally and in the historically lagging Southeast.


'Solar in the Southeast' – Third Annual Report Highlights Disparity in Solar Growth, Policies, and Approaches Throughout the Region

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) is pleased to release the third annual 'Solar in the Southeast' report. As usual, we include a rolling four-year forward forecast, now covering the period…