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1251 Results for free-market-climate

Investors and Businesses Back A Strong Paris Climate Agreement

This guest post is by Christopher N. Fox at Ceres and was originally published here on Ceres' blog, Clean Trillion. The UN climate conference now underway in Paris represents a critical opportunity…


Utilities Knew: Documenting Electric Utilities’ Early Knowledge and Ongoing Deception on Climate Change From 1968-2017

This is a guest blog from the Energy & Policy Institute, originally published HERE. Scientists had begun to warn electric utilities about climate change by 1968, and by 1988 the industry’s official…


Florida Kids Shouldn't Have to Litigate to Force Adults to Act on Climate

Kids shouldn’t have to go to court to get adults in Florida to act on climate change. Yet, that's what eight young Floridians have set out to do. Eight boys and girls,…


Meeting the Climate Crisis with Investments in Affordable Housing

Communities can now take advantage of historic funding opportunities in the IRA to preserve and improve affordable housing and reduce pollution - thereby addressing two major challenges: affordable housing and climate change.


Throughout the Southeast, Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice this Saturday, September 8th

This blog was written by Kelsey Grentzer, former Florida Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. This Saturday, September 8th — the weekend before San Francisco’s Global Climate Action Summit…


Supportive Public Policies will Drive North Carolina's Electric Vehicle Market (Part 2)

The EV market is at an inflection point. Now is the moment to implement supportive public policies to get more electric cars, trucks, and buses on the road to reduce climate emissions,…


Fossil Fueled Extreme Weather and the Executives of Climate Change “Welcome to the rest of our lives.” This is a quote from an interview with Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, as he describes the extreme weather we are experiencing with rapidly…


People's Climate Movement Marches Forward on April 29

This blog was written by Sarah Gilliam, former Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Today's National Climate Assessment Provides the Latest on Climate Change

SACE staffer Jennifer Rennicks co-authored this blogpost. A new report, known as the National Climate Assessment, was released by the White House today, presenting the latest information on the state of climate…