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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

The EPA's Clean Power Plan: Setting the Record Straight on the Benefits and Costs

In honor of Vanderbilt University's event "The Clean Power Plan: Health, Energy Demand and Economic Effects" (taking place today and tomorrow) we are publishing this guest blog written by John Rogers, Senior Energy…


Cutting Carbon Pollution Won't Make the Sky Fall

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Georgia Power Fee Hike

Georgia Power has proposed to nearly double the hidden, mandatory monthly fee on residential customers' bill, from the current $10/month to $17.95/month. Customers must pay this fee no matter how much or…


Georgia’s Energy Future Is Being Planned at the PSC

A key hearing took place last week as part of a planning process to determine what types of energy will power Georgia for the coming decades. Georgians have the opportunity to advocate…


Should we mourn the Clean Power Plan?

The Clean Power Plan would have made a difference in the Southeast. It would have driven significant emission reductions. This blog was originally published on June 18, 2019 and has been updated…


It's November, Where does the 2022 North Carolina Carbon Plan Stand?

On October 24, all intervenors' post-hearing filings were due to the NCUC. These are the final step where intervenors tell Commissioners what we want to see in the final Carbon Plan. We…


North Carolina and EPA's Clean Power Plan

This guest post was authored by Robin Smith of Smith Environmental on September 30, 2014 and can be found here North Carolina and EPA's Clean Power Plan. On June 2, the U.S. Environmental…


Duke's Carbon Plan: Part 3: How Many Extra Power Plants Should We Pay For? The Southeast’s Hidden “Reliability Tax”

Southeastern customers pay for more power plants than other regions because there is inadequate regional reserve sharing. Climate change and data center growth are increasing the urgency for market reform.