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73 Results for "Dan River"

Coal Ash Still Has North Carolina Stumped

In our work to promote clean, healthy and safe energy choices in the Southeast, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy tackles some pretty complex issues; from the big-picture question of how to reduce our…


Duke fines for coal ash pile up, but the ash piles don't shrink

Duke Energy is under a lot of pressure these days. Coal ash has become a serious financial and public relations liability for the corporation, yet so far, the nation's largest utility isn't…


3 Reasons Why 2015 Was the Biggest Year Ever for Coal Ash

2015 was a watershed year for our work on coal ash. It's been over seven years since the catastrophic coal ash spill in Kingston, TN and nearly two years since the spill along…


Coal Ash Legal Fight Moves to Florida

With all the news following the Dan River coal ash disaster this February, it may seem that North Carolina is the only Southeastern state with coal ash woes. Unfortunately, there are plenty…


Duke Energy expecting $100 million fine in federal coal ash investigation

In a plea deal to match other major environmental disaster plea deals, Duke Energy appears to be expecting fines around $100 million to resolve, in part, the federal criminal investigation initiated after…


New Southeast EPA Administrator Faces Challenges Ahead

In the first month of 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency appointed Heather McTeer Toney as the new Region 4 Administrator. The former Regional Administrator, Gwendolyn Keyes Fleming, left to become chief of staff…


Southeast Summer Coal Ash Roundup

Since the Dan River disaster hit almost 6 months ago, North Carolina has been front and center in coal ash news. So much so that it might seem that NC is the…


Countdown to coal ash rules from EPA

We are exactly 9 days away from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) official release of final rules for coal ash regulation that have been in the works ever since the catastrophic Kingston…


Duke Energy: This is Not Leadership

Shorter versions of this oped were originally published in North Carolina in the Charlotte Observer on February 10, 2014 (found here) and in Florida in the Tampa Bay Times on February 11,…


Citizens slam Duke for coal ash pollution at shareholder meeting

On May 7, Duke held its annual shareholder meeting outside its headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina. Like most publicly-traded corporations, Duke tried to put on a "dog and pony show" to excite…