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531 Results for turkey point

Energy subsidies in a free market

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


NPR coverage of EVs omits some important facts

I sent the following letter to National Public Radio's (NPR) Morning Edition, I got a form response. It appears to be regular occurrence on NPR's Morning Edition to say negative things about…


New Ways To Track Your Energy Usage in 2012

As February is already getting under way, I’d like to share with you some new and innovative ways to help make 2012 your most energy-aware year ever. Obviously, confronting energy issues doesn’t…


Well, Is Bioenergy Carbon Neutral Or Not?

I admit it. I've been impatient. For about two years now I've been carping to anyone who will listen that we don't have sufficient scientific studies here in the Southeast to truly…


Is the Electric Car Getting Its Revenge?

Anne Blair, SACE's clean fuels and bioenergy program manager, contributed to this post. I recently watched Revenge of the Electric Car (now available on DVD, Netflix, and Hulu), the new account of…


TVA Gambles on Bellefonte Nuclear Reactors

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy has long been concerned with the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) push to add more nuclear reactors to their energy mix in spite of readily available energy efficiency…


Hurricane Irene and its Impact on Wind Farms

This is the final blog in a three part series examining how natural disasters like hurricanes impact our energy generation. In the past decade, wind turbines have sprouted up along the East…


Can We Reinvent Fire in the Southeast?

Here at SACE, we have been investigating new clean energy ideas that we can build on. These efforts have lead us to Rocky Mountain Institute's most recent publication, Reinventing Fire: Bold Business…


EPA: Coal Plants Still #1 Source of U.S. Carbon Emissions

There's nothing like a heaping serving of data to really drive a point home - and that's exactly what the Environmental Protection Agency does with its most recent report of plant-by-plant emissions…


Adapting to change in the Rural South

Here in the South, farming and forestry are major contributors to our economy. Farmers and foresters face new challenges from the effects of changing weather and climate. In the rural South, we have…