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890 Results for southeast river runs

49 Southeast Communities Join Hands Against Offshore Drilling

Last Saturday, 49 communities along the Southeast coast hosted Hands Across the Sand events to advocate for clean energy instead of offshore drilling. Hands Across the Sand events bring community members together…


Efficiency Leadership for Duke Energy Now Hinges on Florida, IRP, and a Higher Standard of Comparison (Part 1)

Duke Energy outperformed its regional peers on energy efficiency once again in 2019, but to be a leader on the national stage it must address shortcomings in Florida, pursue new program opportunities,…


Will North Carolina Lead the Southeast in Transportation Electrification? (Part 1)

North Carolina has electric vehicle momentum. Governor Roy Cooper's Executive Order 80 committed N.C. to address climate change and transition to a clean energy economy. State agencies have written electric transportation plans.…


Historic Federal Rules Will Curb Dangerous Power Plant Pollution

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under President Biden’s leadership released an important set of pollution limitations for power plants that will improve people’s health and help preserve a stable climate. Specifically,…


FL PSC Approves Nuclear Humpty Dumpty Settlement

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Statement: Coal ash ponds threatening Chattahoochee River near Metro Atlanta

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Just How Toxic Was That TVA Coal Ash Disaster?

As we approach the 1 year anniversary of the unprecedented Tennessee Valley Authority coal ash disaster in Kingston, TN, the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) brings us new ground breaking data showing just…