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496 Results for tennessee

TVA Ahead of the Pack in Pollution and Pollution Reduction

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) issued a January 6, 2011 release that uses a recent study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to highlight TVA's successful reductions of dangerous air pollutants. The fact…


TVA decision to downsize Generation Partners defies logic

Imagine you were head of an agency charged with providing affordable energy, stewarding the environment and supporting economic development and technological innovation. Now imagine that the agency operated a program that fostered…


Does "SMR" stand for "Squandering More Resources?"

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Southeast Coal Retirements Mount in 2010

Late last year we reported in this blog about the wave of old coal plant retirement announcements throughout the Southeast in which we counted 11 likely retirements in 4 Southeast states.  A…


In-Valley renewables missing from TVA draft Integrated Resource Plan

TVA's draft Integrated Resource Plan is missing something: a serious commitment to developing the Valley's renewable energy resources.  With significant solar, bioenergy and wind resources available throughout the TVA territory, these resources,…


Knoxville Climate Council Transportation Meeting focuses on equity, presents solutions

This blog post was written by Brady Watson, former Civic Engagement Coordinator for the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. On July 14, the Knoxville Mayor’s Climate Council convened for its second meeting…


Successful Solar Weekend in Knoxville

  Knoxville's solar community shone even brighter than usual this past October 1st and 2nd when the city's annual Solar Tour took place throughout the greater Knoxville area. On Friday, October 1st,…