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890 Results for southeast river runs

From Breweries to Bees, Signs of Innovative Solar Integrations in the Southeast

The Clean Energy Generation is making progress every day here in the Southeast, including innovative ways of integrating solar power in our public spaces, homes, and businesses. From picnic shelters with solar-powered…


Southeast Energy Offices Launch New Mapping Tool

State Energy Offices across the Southeast collaborated on an electric vehicle infrastructure planning tool to guide equitable charger deployment.


Economy drives electric power use down in Southeast

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Efficiency Leadership for Duke Energy Now Hinges on Florida, IRP, and a Higher Standard of Comparison (Part 1)

Duke Energy outperformed its regional peers on energy efficiency once again in 2019, but to be a leader on the national stage it must address shortcomings in Florida, pursue new program opportunities,…


Call "Natural" Gas what it is: a Fossil Fuel

The Term "Natural Gas" is a Misnomer "Natural gas is a fossil fuel energy source." This is the first line of the U.S. Energy Information Administration's page defining "natural" gas. The fuel…


Southeast Residents Rally Behind Stricter Carbon Regulations for Power Plants

Residents across the Southeast are rallying behind the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposed carbon regulations for power plants, emphasizing a shared commitment to a cleaner future.


Southeast Coal Ash Summit

On September 27, after months of planning by SACE and our partners, we hosted the first ever Southeast Coal Ash Summit. This event brought over 70 concerned citizens, environmental and public health…


49 Southeast Communities Join Hands Against Offshore Drilling

Last Saturday, 49 communities along the Southeast coast hosted Hands Across the Sand events to advocate for clean energy instead of offshore drilling. Hands Across the Sand events bring community members together…


Putting the Sun in Sundries: Leading retailers shaming solar-shy southeast

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Reducing the Energy Burden in the Southeast: Tackling Energy Efficiency in Multifamily Housing

When temperatures drop in the Southeast – as occurred this past week – many residents turn up their thermostat to stay warm and comfortable. Unfortunately, this is not a luxury that all…