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1251 Results for free-market-climate

New Climate Videos for Latino Communities in Florida

VEA NUESTROS BLOG EN ESPANOL With last month's climate talks in Copenhagen and a reinvigorated international interest in global warming issues, the time is right to expand southeastern engagement and education about…


Have an uninformed climate change denier; there is an app for that

Ever find yourself in a debate with a climate change denier or anyone attempting to undermine the science behind global climate change? A new iPhone app offers a list of common skeptic…


What do ObamaCare and EPA climate rules have to do with each other?

The last two weeks delivered some important legal news. A federal appeals court upheld the Environmental Protection Agency's authority and responsibility to control climate pollution on June 26. Two days later the…


SACE asked to participate in National Climate Assessment

Each year, starting in 1989, an annual report titled, “Our Changing Planet” has been produced by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and submitted to Congress. The USGCRP also conducts the…


Chasing Ice: A Cinematic View of Climate Change

SACE staff member Kacy Rohn contributed to this post. A new documentary on the melting of glacial ice is making waves at film festivals and around the environmental community.  The award-winning Chasing…


Moving Forward on Climate This Sunday

This Sunday, February 17, will see the largest climate rally in history.  More than 20,000 participants are expected to gather on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to send a strong message…


Senate unveils new climate and clean energy legislation

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Black History Month Energy Champions: Rev. Leo Woodberry Fights for Climate Justice and Energy Equity

In honor of Black History Month, SACE is publishing a blog series highlighting the efforts of African American leaders working to ensure that clean energy opportunities are available for all people and…


In Praise of Climate Scientists

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.