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1251 Results for free-market-climate

Lessons from the Road in Coastal North Carolina

In late August, I embarked on a trip to coastal North Carolina to meet business-owners, citizens and local decision makers to involve them in the regional climate and energy work that we…


Obama Speech Connects Climate to Responsible Parenting

"I refuse to condemn...future generations to a planet that’s beyond fixing." President Obama, June 25, 2013 President Obama’s speech today was a welcome outline of the additional actions this administration will take…


Working Together for a Nuclear Free, Carbon Free Energy Future

A version of the below blog was originally posted by Southern Energy Network's Florida Organizer, Jacquie Ayala. Find more of her blogs here. She was joined at the SE Nuclear Summit by…


Pres. Trump Defies Free Market Principles and Moves to Force Consumers to Pay for Uneconomic Power

President Donald Trump is preparing to issue a bailout for uneconomic coal and nuclear plants by forcing grid operators to buy their power, even though it is more expensive than alternatives. As…


Thoughts on Florida Energy Choice Initiative

SACE is not in support of the Florida Energy Choice ballot amendment initiative. Two reasons for our stand: the likelihood that 6,000 MW of planned solar over the next 5 years could…


Fool's Gold? Nuclear Power and Climate Change

Below is a guest blog post with permission to re-post from Gregory Jaczko, former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman and Commissioner, originally published in the Huffington Post's "The Blog" on December 14,…


Live in Copenhagen: Rep. Blackburn plays politics at the expense of the planet

It was with great disappointment that I watched the congresswoman’s republican response to the President's weekly radio address last Saturday. She is now in Copenhagen as part of the U.S. Congressional Delegation. Her…


Memphis City Council Adopts Climate Action Plan 

Memphis City Council adopted goals to reduce City and County climate pollution by 51% below 2016 levels by 2035, and 71% by 2050.


President Obama emphasizes climate legacy in SOTU, but will he earn it?

SACE staffer Sarah Gilliam contributed to this blogpost. Last night, President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address, which strongly emphasized the role he hopes that having acted on climate…