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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

As Utilities Embrace Clean Energy, Southeast Needs Smart Policies to Promote Local Renewables Growth

This guest post was written by Luis Martinez, Senior Attorney in the Natural Resources Defense Council's Energy and Transportation Program. The original post appeared on NRDC's Expert blog and can be viewed…


Q&A: Clean Energy Generation Member Kathie Sutherland

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy sat down with Floridian Kathie Sutherland to learn more about why she is part of the Clean Energy Generation making strides against the climate crisis.


Six Signs of Progress with Clean Energy Growth in the Southeast

The Clean Energy Generation is making progress every day here in the Southeast. From the world's busiest airport and historically Black neighborhood going solar, to renewable energy outspending fossil fuels, our clean…


Uplifting Architecture for a Sustainable Southeast: Exploring Clean Energy Opportunities

Explore how Architects are joining the clean energy generation to help lead the Southeast into a clean and sustainable future.


The Clean Energy Transition: SACE's Executive Director Talks Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. Stephen A. Smith, SACE's Executive Director, sat down with Jim Brogan to talk about how a clean energy future is happening now, from the rapidly accelerating electrification of transportation to the…


La Justicia Ambiental en el Plan de Energía Limpia

This guest post was written by Leslie Fields, Director of Sierra Club's Environmental Justice and Community Partnerships Program, and Alejandra Nuñez, Staff Attorney for the Sierra Club's Environmental Law Program. This post originally appeared…


Georgia Power "October surprise" IRP Update

Settlement reached between PSC staff and Georgia Power does little to protect ratepayers and even less to advance clean energy.


Protecting Georgians from Unfair Costs for New Reactors

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Solar for Low-income Communities and More! EPA's Clean Energy Incentive Program

UPDATE: Soon after this blog was published, EPA announced it was extending the public comment period deadline from Aug. 29 to Nov. 1, 2016, to afford more time for tribal consultations. This…