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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

SACE Testimony shows why Clean Power Plan means jobs for Tennessee

Earlier today, I testified before the Tennessee Legislature's Government Operations Joint Committee on the importance of the Clean Power Plan and its significance for Tennessee. As you can see by the line up,…


EPA Hosts Clean Power Plan Public Hearings in Atlanta

As the Environmental Protection Agency works towards finalizing a few components of the Clean Power Plan, the agency will host public hearings over two days in Atlanta on November 19-20. The hearings…


Environmental Justice In the Clean Power Plan

This guest post was written by Leslie Fields, Director of Sierra Club's Environmental Justice and Community Partnerships Program, and Alejandra Nuñez, Staff Attorney for the Sierra Club's Environmental Law Program. This post…


Public Comment Period Closes for EPA's Clean Power Plan, But There's More Work to be Done

You can access previous SACE blogs on the Clean Power Plan by clicking the following links: May 28th, June 23rd, July 30th, and August 25th.  You can also access a recent SACE…


What do jeans, cocoa, beer and property management have in common?

Hmm, what do jeans, cocoa, beer and property management all have in common? I won't make you guess. Companies from these industries support the EPA's Clean Power Plan. This is a guest…


EPA Moves Forward As Harvard Recognizes Billions of "Hidden" Clean Power Plan Benefits

UPDATE: EPA published its draft Clean Energy Incentive Program rule language in the Federal Register on June 30, 2016 - officially beginning the public comment period. EPA will accept public comments on…


EPA Expands the Role of Renewable Energy in the Final Clean Power Plan

This guest post was written by Jeff Deyette, Assistant Director of Research and Analysis for Clean Energy with the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). The original posting can be found here. On…


Clean Electricity Performance Program Proposal and Southeast Utilities

The Clean Electricity Performance Program, or CEPP, which is a key climate provision within the larger Build Back Better Act, made a large step toward becoming law when it passed out of…


SACE and Coalition Partners Submit Carbon Plan to North Carolina Utilities Commission

SACE and co-intervenors submitted a plan that the NCUC could take to achieve its North Carolina carbon reduction mandates. Independent expert analysis shows that investments in energy efficiency, solar, and storage can…