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496 Results for tennessee

SACE promotes solar energy locally in Knoxville

One of the great partnerships that SACE has going is working with the City of Knoxville on their Solar America Cities Program. The City of Knoxville along with a strong group of partners…


Candidate Maryam Abolfazli on Climate & Energy

In this blog post, we examine the policies and positions of Maryam Abolfazli, the Democratic Party candidate running to represent Tennessee Congressional District 5 in the U.S. House of Representatives. Also in…


Solar energy continues to provide investments and jobs in the Southeast

Stion's thin-film solar panels will be manufactured at a new facility in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Solar energy is fast becoming an economic driver in a location that may surprise some people: the Southeast. The…


TVA Congressional Caucus will hold forum on renewable energy

The TVA Congressional Caucus, which helps oversee TVA, recently announced that it's holding a forum on renewable energy in Knoxville on Thursday April 16, 2009.  While most of the details about the…


SACE grades TVA draft Plan, calls for public input to move TVA to the head of the class

The Tennessee Valley is at a critical crossroads for its energy and economic development. Whether our future is one where efficiency and renewable energy drive a strong clean energy economy or one…


Candidate Mark Green on Climate & Energy

In this blog post, we examine the policies and positions of Mark Green, the Republican Party candidate running for reelection to represent Tennessee Congressional District 7 in the U.S. House of Representatives.…


Our climate is changing, small towns need help adapting

As floodwaters ravaged Middle Tennessee on a Saturday in August, people reached out to ask if my family and I were okay. We were. This was a familiar experience, right down to…


TVA mistruths highlight need for more oversight over unregulated monopoly power company

TVA CEO Jeff Lyash's mistruths stated recently on TV highlight the need for independent oversight of TVA so that customers are not harmed by the unregulated, federal monopoly treating fantasies as truth.


Update on President Trump's Nominations to TVA Board as U.S. Senate session winds down

There's a chance two nominees for TVA's Board could be voted on by the U.S. Senate before the session ends if they are attached to other legislation, though time is running out.…