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888 Results for southeast river runs

Efficiency Leadership for Duke Energy Now Hinges on Florida, IRP, and a Higher Standard of Comparison (Part 2)

Duke has outperformed its regional peers on efficiency for many years now, and in many ways is the best positioned to build on its past performance to reach new levels in the…


SACE Joins Challenge to Monopoly Utilities' Proposed Southeast "Market"

The Southeast faces serious energy burdens driven, in part, by high electricity costs. The region could benefit from more competition, not more ways monopoly utilities can take advantage of captured customers as…


2019 Rankings: High usage contributes to high electricity bills in Southeast

Last month, October, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released another year of utility-reported electricity data. The latest annual data is for the calendar year of 2019. Looking at the EIA's tabulation…


SunBlockers: "Solar in the Southeast" fourth annual report: Part 3

The laggards in our "Solar in the Southeast" reports are labeled as 'SunBlockers.' In our fourth annual report, Alabama Power and the North Carolina Electric Cooperatives bear that moniker.


Policies Behind the Performance: "Solar in the Southeast" Report

SACE's annual "Solar in the Southeast" report ranks our region's largest utilities. In the second blog post of the series, we examine policies driving solar growth.


The Southeast Has A Ten Billion Coal Dollar Habit

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


The Pandemic Effect - Efficiency Performance and Energy Affordability Challenges in 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic made energy bills even more unaffordable for families in the Southeast, while utility energy efficiency programs also took a hit. New data shows how the response taken by each…


Yes, there is renewable energy in the southeast

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


"Solar in the Southeast" Report: What's Next? Resource and Transmission Planning

For the final blog post in this series associated with our "Solar in the Southeast" annual report, SACE offers predictions about "What's Next?"