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496 Results for tennessee

TVA settlement will bring benefits to the Valley without raising rates

The recently announced settlement between TVA, the Environmental Protection Agency, several states and public interest organization should provide significant environmental and economic benefits to the Tennessee Valley. And no, it won't raise…


District 2 Candidates on Climate & Energy: Knoxville City Council Elections

In this blog series, we share the Knoxville City Council candidates’ positions on clean energy and climate issues in their own words. This blog post contains the 2nd District candidates’ responses to…


Worst Solar Year Since 2011? TVA on Track for an Embarrassing Record Low

This blog was written by Alissa Schafer, former Solar Policy & Communications Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


What Is Your Electric Utility Planning for its Coal Ash?

Utilities in the Southeast are already starting to "close" toxic coal ash pits. We calculated how much ash will be excavated and how much will be left in mostly unlined pits posing…


Who has been getting $1.4 billion in rate cuts from TVA?

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Rapid Growth: "Solar in the Southeast" Annual Report blog series (part 2 of 5)

This is part two in a five-part series about the SACE “Solar in the Southeast” 2017 Annual Report. To view other blogs in this series, click here. Rapid Growth & Tremendous Potential “The…


TVA should expand investment in solar

This post, by Anne Davis of the Southern Environmental Law Center and Stephen Smith of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, was originally a Guest Column in Knoxville News-Sentinel on Saturday, August…