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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

Remembering Fukushima One Year Later

The tragic natural disasters that struck Japan on March 11, 2011 -- a massive earthquake and horrifying tsunami -- forever changed the lives for tens of thousands of Japanese, killing more than…


Duke Leadership Hearing Veers Into Substance

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


South Carolina Public Service Commission hands Duke back its IRPs

At its business meeting on Thursday, June 17, the South Carolina Public Service Commission had some things to say about Duke Energy's Integrated Resource Plans (IRP). The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy…


Do You Hear That? It’s The Fat Lady Singing; Nuclear Revival Ends Almost Before It Starts

Dennis Wamsted's post, "Do You Hear That? It’s The Fat Lady Singing; Nuclear Revival Ends Almost Before It Starts," originally ran in his blog, Wamsted on Energy: News and views for thinking professionals,…


Georgia Regulators Kick Multi-Billion Dollar Plant Vogtle Nuclear Can Down the Road

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Florida: One Step Closer to Becoming Solar Energy Leader

A settlement agreement filed at the Florida Public Service Commission on the SolarTogether community solar program will, if approved, allow all FPL customers - including low-income - to participate in the largest community…


"Theater of the Absurd" underway with Georgia's nuclear power expansion

At the end of June the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) held a hearing on the 16th semi-annual Vogtle Construction Monitoring (VCM) review docket. Numerous public witnesses from around Georgia came to…


How Much Would Your Bill Increase If Duke's Fee Hike Is Approved?

See how much your bill would increase if Duke Energy's proposed fee hike is approved. Read on to find out more and how you can help stop the fee hike!