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496 Results for tennessee

Hundreds of individuals and groups, including Nashville and the EPA, submit comments on TVA’s proposed gas power plant and pipeline

Hundreds of concerned individuals, organizations, local elected officials, and power providers in the Tennessee Valley criticized TVA's proposed Cumberland fossil gas power plant and pipeline plans, and are calling instead for the…


Time flies when you are having fun: a year in review from an energy advocate

It's been a whirlwind of a year since I accepted the position as SACE's  Tennessee Valley Energy Policy Associate here in Knoxville.  So much has happened, both good and bad, that it…


Senator's 'fossil' energy theory a remnant of the past

Senator Alexander's ideas about energy are as outdated as the fossil fuels he supports.  In a recent op-ed published in the Chattanooga Free Times (see below), the Senator cites our nation's excessive…


Tennesseans Voice Coal Ash Concerns Despite EPA Initial Oversight

With the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initially appearing to have ignored TN in the siting of Coal Ash Public Hearings, the citizens of East Tennessee held their own public hearing to ensure…


EmPower TN Selects First-Round Energy Efficiency Projects for $33.6 Million in Funding

Thanks to proactive investment in energy efficiency, the Volunteer State is one step closer to seeing significant reductions in the utility bills paid by state-operated facilities. The Tennessee Office of Customer Focused…


Misinformation and a Missed Opportunity

The Tennessee Valley Authority Congressional Caucus held a forum on renewable energy yesterday in Knoxville, Tennessee.  The Caucus, which consists of more than 30 U.S. Senators and Representatives from the seven states…


Memphians Caught in the Dark

This blog was written by Michael MacMillar, former Regional Organizer at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. All across Tennessee, low-income families are put in a difficult situation due to high energy…


Top 3 Coal Ash Stories to Follow in 2017

2017 is shaping up to be an important year for coal ash in the Southeast. There's so much happening at once. As utilities begin closing coal ash pits, communities and advocates are…