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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast: Duke Energy (Part 2)

SACE tracks carbon emissions and planned generation in its annual report entitled "Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast" to answer the question of whether or not the power sector is decarbonizing at a…


Florida electric planning process will continue over-reliance on gas, expose Floridians to higher costs and risks, and fail to address climate crisis

Every year, regulated Florida utilities file a Ten Year Site Plan (TYSP) with the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC). These plans are viewed as the equivalent of Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) done…


Solar Choice Metering: A Better Way (Duke vs. Dominion)

South Carolina's Energy Freedom Act requires the Public Service Commission to establish a "solar choice metering tariff" for customer-generators (e.g., rooftop solar customers). Customers seem overwhelmingly opposed to the Dominion proposal. On…


Tour with a Twist: What is Ripe to Retire in Georgia and Alabama?

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Responses to FERC Deficiency Letter on SEEM

Many Southeast utilities have proposed a construct called the Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM). We've argued before that SEEM is not a market at all, despite the word market appearing in its…