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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

"Dirty Dozen" 2016 presents yet another strike against coal-fired Plant Hammond

A new report, released on November 16, explains the concerning weaknesses of Georgia's water pollution permits. When these permits are inevitably strengthened to limit mercury, arsenic, lead, and other toxic discharges from…


We Are Being Called to Action as the "Clean Energy Generation"

A message from Dr. Stephen A. Smith, Executive Director of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, on the defining fork in the road we are facing, and why we're being called to unite…


NextEra Sets Goal to Decarbonize, Proposes Big Transition for Florida Power & Light

NextEra has proposed an ambitious decarbonization goal and it could mean big changes for Florida Power & Light. The plan includes a massive increase in utility scale solar development and heavy reliance…


Guest Post: Polluters are Making the Same Old “Sky is Falling” Claims about the Clean Power Plan

This Guest Post was written by Graham McCahan, Senior Attorney with the Environmental Defense Fund. The original post appeared on EDF's Climate 411 blog and can be viewed here.  The ink wasn’t…


New Report Shows Growing Consensus on Benefits of 80% Clean Electricity by 2030

A new report by Energy Innovation finds that there is a growing consensus among expert researchers that achieving 80% clean electricity by 2030 would be feasible, affordable, reliable, and deeply beneficial to…


Dear Governor McCrory: We Can Do More. We Must Do More.

Last week, in a crowded middle school auditorium in Wilmington, North Carolina, over 130 local residents and environmental advocates joined together to speak out in favor of clean energy in North Carolina.…


FPL’s Solar Plan: It’s a Joke, But It’s Not Funny

I live and work in south Florida and have been a clean energy advocate for well over a decade. During that time, Florida’s families and businesses have overwhelmingly supported more solar power…


Historic Federal Rules Will Curb Dangerous Power Plant Pollution

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under President Biden’s leadership released an important set of pollution limitations for power plants that will improve people’s health and help preserve a stable climate. Specifically,…