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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

Byhalia Pipeline is contrary to the future we need

SACE opposes the Byhalia Connection Pipeline, a proposed pipeline that would pump crude oil from Southwest Memphis to Marshall County, Mississippi.


Learn About FPL’s Polluting Turkey Point Site – Already a Problem

News: Expert Report Provides Affordable, Practical Solution to FPL's Polluting Cooling Canal System at Turkey Point [Blog here] News: Citizen groups file federal Clean Water Act lawsuit against FPL for ongoing pollution…


EPA Finally Announces Greenhouse Gas Standard

After much delay, today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the first-ever national standards to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from coal plants. The proposal aims to restrict the amount of GHG emissions…


The Earth is Flat and Alabama Has No Wind (a study in misreading maps)

Wind power could provide new jobs and income for northeastern Alabama. Yet, a small number of people have begun a misinformation campaign to ban wind energy in Alabama and prevent millions of…


So-called nuclear renaissance relapses, recovery seems unlikely

Despite much fanfare about the so-called nuclear "renaissance" over the past several years, not much has actually materialized. In fact, the last couple of weeks have proven particularly challenging to the renaissance…


FERC gives SEEM utilities opportunity to put the "M" in SEEM

A contingency of large electric utilities across the Southeast has proposed to form the Southeast Energy Exchange Market or SEEM. While the title suggests the creation of a competitive energy market, the…


Duke Energy Wants You to Pay More for Using Less Energy

Update on March 29, 2019: After the blog post below was published and following overwhelming opposition to the proposed fee hike at public hearings, Duke Energy agreed to partially scale back their…


Two Down, One to Go: Another Georgia Coal Plant Bites the Dust

In a major win for Georgia’s ratepayers and our air and water, Power4Georgians (P4G), the consortium of four utility co-ops behind the last two proposed coal-fired power plants in Georgia, agreed yesterday…