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1252 Results for free-market-climate

The Palmetto State Stands Tall in the Wind Energy Industry

This is the seventh post in a blog series discussing state-by-state highlights of wind energy throughout the South in the lead up to the WINDPOWER Expo in Orlando, FL, May 18 –…


Wind Power Set to Take Flight in North Carolina

This is the sixth post in a blog series discussing state-by-state highlights of wind energy throughout the South in the lead up to the WINDPOWER Expo in Orlando, FL, May 18 –…


Obama to Sell America's Offshore Areas to Queen of England

Today, President Barack Obama issued Executive Order 412015, the 'Establishment of the Crown Estate Outercontinental Shelf Area.' "Today is a new day for America," began President Obama at a telepress conference. "Monarchs…


Is TVA Undervaluing Wind Energy?

Much of the country is currently experiencing a "wind rush" - 23,000 new jobs were created in the wind industry just last year. Wind power's low price is driving utilities to snap…


Breakfast of Efficiency Champions: A Panel Discussion on Energy Efficiency in the Southeast and the Impact of the Clean Power Plan

On a near-perfect day for a summertime conference in Atlanta, with cooler-than-usual temperatures and not a drop of rain, I had the pleasure of attending the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance's (SEEA's) recent…


SACE Runs on Solar in Asheville

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications and Charlie Coggeshall, former Clean Energy Manager, at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Federal Housing Finance Agency can fire up PACE or keep it frozen

There is opportunity available right now to add vitality and long-lasting productivity to our economy by fostering  investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy by homeowners.  However, a key regulator for the…


Plant Washington's bumpy road just got bumpier

In yet another indication that the proposed coal-fired Plant Washington is not viable, developer Dean Alford told plant supporters at a meeting on September 16 that he is asking Georgia's Environmental Protection…


Duke Energy Merger: Glimpsing a Nuclear Future for Florida

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Southern Company: Squirreling the Energy Efficiency Debate

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.