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496 Results for tennessee

SACE members speak out against TVA replacing Kingston Coal plant with new fossil gas

We at SACE and our members know the dire consequences of continuing to pour money into fossil fuel infrastructure and the potential polluting impacts on the public’s health and the environment. We…


SACE Supports Innovative TN Solar + Storage Project, Calls on TVA to Drop Opposition

A proposed solar + storage project in Tennessee exemplifies innovative models needed to meet climate goals, generate economic development, and create jobs. The nation’s largest public power company wants to block it…


TVA distributors looking to expand into owning generation facilities

The debate over building new generation in the Tennessee Valley could take a significant turn with the passage of legislation currently being considered in the Tennessee legislature. This legislation would give the…


TVA Board Nominees Confirmed, but What About Dr. Brown?

  On the morning of January 1, 2013, the Senate passed the controversial fiscal cliff bill and sent it to the House of Representatives. That afternoon, while all eyes were on the…


Remembering TN's Coal Ash Problems After NC's Dan River Disaster

In the wake of the recent coal ash disaster at Duke Energy’s Dan River plant in Eden, NC, environmental groups have become increasingly concerned with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s…


Two 1-megawatt solar projects are largest yet in TVA region

1 MW solar farm in Georgia installed by ESA Renewables Renewable energy continues its expansion in the Southeast with the recent unveiling of two 1-megawatt solar farms in Tennessee and Georgia. Each…