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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

Southeast looks to Congress for strong building efficiency codes

As the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES) makes it way through Congress, SACE has expressed some important concerns, notably the weak energy resource standards and allowance give-aways. But there is…

Public Hearing in Sumter on Duke Energy's Proposed Fee Hike USC Sumter – Nettles Auditorium Learn More

TVA plans to replace Cumberland coal plant with another fossil fuel

In 2021 TVA announced it would shutter the Cumberland coal plant. Last week, TVA proposed to lock customers into paying for fossil gas to replace it, without fully exploring efficiency and renewable…


A Moment In Time A Citizen Speaks before the Georgia Public Service Commission

This post is written by Reverend Dr. Gerald L. Durley, Pastor Emeritus, Providence Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA and consultant for SACE. In all of our lives there are moments that occur…


President Obama Takes On the Anti-Science Crowd

I had the great pleasure of joining our Board President, John Noel, and his wife, Melinda Welton, at his table at the League of Conservation Voters’ Annual Capitol Dinner on Wednesday, June…


TVA Board votes to keep rates flat, but customer bills could still rise

Board of Directors approved TVA's budget and long-term resource plan today. The budget stops annual rate increases, at least in the near term, but does not address high bills. The resource plan…


Youth Leading on Climate Action

Young people have been leading the fight against climate change in impressive and inspiring ways in recent months. To highlight the work of young people working on climate action, SACE has organized…