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1251 Results for free-market-climate

The Southeastern Coastal Wind Conference is Next Week!

The following is a guest post written by Jen Banks, Director of Operations for the Southeastern Coastal Wind Coalition originally posted here. The Southeastern states from Virginia to Florida are home to…


If You Burn Colombia's Coal with Alabama's Cash, Where are the Jobs?

How closely tied are Alabama Power's coal-fired electric plants and Alabama coal mining jobs? Not very, it turns out. Despite the attempt by one elected official to link the two, the fact…


Ecotality Blinks Out, But EVs Still Growing

In recent news, electric vehicle charger developer and EV Project coordinator, Ecotality, announced that it is likely to file for bankruptcy. Ecotality has spearheaded some of the largest charging infrastructure installations in…


5 Ways Capitol Hill Can Boost the American Wind Industry

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


Google pressures largest US utility company to put renewable energy on the menu

This guest blog was authored by Gary Cook, senior policy analyst at Greenpeace, USA. Google's own blog can be found here. Thanks to some pressure from Google, the largest utility company in the…


TVA Awarded Utility of the Year by AWEA

In November 2012, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was recognized as the "Utility of the Year" by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). The former CEO of AWEA, Denise Bode, said of this…


Congress Prevents Wind Industry from Falling Off Cliff

This post was written by Steve Clemmer, Director of Energy Research & Analysis for the Union of Concerned Scientists, and first appeared on UCS' blog The Equation on January 2. You can…


Southern Company: Squirreling the Energy Efficiency Debate

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Obama to Sell America's Offshore Areas to Queen of England

Today, President Barack Obama issued Executive Order 412015, the 'Establishment of the Crown Estate Outercontinental Shelf Area.' "Today is a new day for America," began President Obama at a telepress conference. "Monarchs…


Duke Energy Merger: Glimpsing a Nuclear Future for Florida

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.