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496 Results for tennessee

New EmPower TN initiative set to cut state utility bills by an estimated 28% with energy efficiency and renewable energy

Tennessee lawmakers have recently demonstrated that investing in clean energy is not a partisan issue, so much as it's just plain common sense. In the majority-Republican General Assembly, the state budget was…

Tennessee: GOTV Phone Bank Learn More

SACE Releases TN Coal Ash Report in Advance of EPA Public Hearing

Just a few weeks after the December 2008 Kingston coal ash disaster, on January 7, 2009, SACE Executive Director, Dr. Stephen A. Smith, traveled to Washington, D.C. with five residents of Harriman,…


U.S. Senate to hold hearing on Biden-appointed TVA Board nominees on April 6

This Wednesday, April 6, 2022, at 2:30 PM ET, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will hold a hearing to review three nominations to the Tennessee Valley Authority's Board of Directors.…