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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

Georgia Power's Long-Term Energy Plans Make Progress on Clean Energy, But Key Issues Deferred

On Thursday, July 21st, the Georgia Public Service Commission concluded the months-long process of deciding on Georgia Power’s 2022 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) or long-term resource plan. The results of the IRP…


FEECA 2020 Toolkit

Background No family should be forced to make the choice between paying their energy bill and purchasing essential needs like food and medicine. Last fall, clean energy advocates successfully encouraged the Florida…


Wind Power Transmission Project Would Provide Health Benefits

This blog is part of a series reviewing the proposed Plains and Eastern Clean Line project. Other blogs in the series are available here. A newly proposed transmission project would connect high quality…


4 Reasons to Celebrate Clean Energy in Alabama in 2013

  If you were around Birmingham in late November, you probably heard about (or came to) Renew Alabama: A Night of Positive Energy. Nearly 150 people stopped by Avondale Brewing Company to…



State Energy Overview Georgia is blessed with the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, the fertile soils of the southern piedmont and the rich diversity of the coastal plain. However, each of these regions…


Separating PACE's Fiction from the Facts on Solar Power

The Partnership for Affordable Clean Energy (PACE) is the public face of a complex network of firms employed by fossil fuel and monopoly utility interests. The organization recently disseminated talking points on solar power…


Georgians tell Georgia Power: "Don't Raise my Bill"

From the coast to the capitol, Georgians are speaking out about Georgia Power’s proposed bill increases.


Denying the climate change and health connection got them nowhere; polluters try (and fail) to convince Latinos and African Americans that the Clean Power Plan is bad for their bottom line

This post, written by Juan Declet-Barreto, originally appeared on NRDC's Switchboard blog on June 11, 2015 and is reposted with permission. Addressing the disproportionate impacts of carbon pollution on the health of low-income…