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1251 Results for free-market-climate

Why the Pitchforks are coming out in Florida

As the Executive Director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) for over 20 years, I pride myself and the organization in our capacity to work collaboratively with utilities and decision…


Buffalo Mountain Wind Energy Center: Ten Years of Clean, Homegrown Energy!

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


Why EVs are still cleaner than gasoline vehicles in the Southeast

Late last week, a response piece, Blowback: Why zero-emission electric cars are still dirty by Dr. Sam Shelton was published in the Atlanta-Journal Constitution (AJC). I admire the work that Dr. Shelton has done…


Knoxville Advances to Quarterfinals in Georgetown University Energy Prize

Saving money through energy efficiency is already a sweet deal, but the chance to win a $5 million prize sweetens the pot quite a bit. Today marks the official start of the…


Mighty Ducks: How do wind turbines affect ducks?

As duck hunting season comes to a close, flocks of hunters have enjoyed a potentially record-breaking season thanks in part to good weather and successful conservation efforts. Despite strong conservation measures which…


Yes, America wants solar and wind, not nukes

This guest blog was originally published by Michael Mariotte, president of the Nuclear Information Resource Service (NIRS) in GreenWorld on January 16, 2015. Find the direct post here. The post references the…


12 Business Cases that Support Offshore Wind Energy

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


Dr. Marilyn Brown Reappointed After Unnecessary and Petty Delay

This week we received welcome news that Dr. Marilyn Brown had been reappointed to the TVA Board.  This re-appointment concludes a lengthy process that was delayed by some petty moves by our…


Hold Solyndra to Higher Standards than Oil and Nuclear Energy?

As more details about the Solyndra bankruptcy and governmental support for the now-defunct solar manufacturer emerge, an important question is going to have to be addressed: What now? Renewable energy is wildly…


Open Letter to Sens. Corker and Alexander on TVA Board Nominations

Update: On February 7, 2013 the organizations on this letter received a response from Senator Corker's office; the letter can be viewed here. We have still received no response from Senator Alexander's…