Webinar: Seasonal Electricity Demand in the Southeast

Kate Tracy | April 8, 2020 | Webinars

Peak load, the hour in which electricity demand is the highest across a utility’s system, drives a utility’s future infrastructure investment plans. When and how high a system peaks in a given year varies year-to-year, usually driven by things like weather and economic conditions. For instance, for 2020 utilities are already seeing potential load impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

In the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy’s (SACE) latest report, Seasonal Electricity Demand in the Southeast we analyzed historical demand data across the Southeast from 1998-2018 to identify key trends in how and when utilities are peaking. These trends were discussed in our webinar with report authors Maggie Shober, Director of Utility Reform at SACE, and SACE consultant, John Wilson.