Webinar: New Power Plant Carbon Rules & The Southeast

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On SACE’s “New Power Plant Carbon Rules & The Southeast” webinar on May 7, we explored the details of the EPA’s newly announced national limits on carbon dioxide pollution from power plants. Until now, carbon pollution from power plants has been nearly unregulated by the federal government, but the new standards announced on April 25 begin to change that: they will save thousands of lives and help preserve a stable climate for generations to come. While there’s still work to be done, they move us ever closer to the Biden Administration’s goal of cutting climate pollution in half by 2030.
Carrie Jenks, Executive Director of the Harvard Law School Environmental & Energy Law Program, helped us unpack the new rules, and SACE Research Director Maggie Shober explained how the new rules may impact our major utilities in the Southeast, including Duke Energy, Southern Company, TVA, and Dominion Energy South Carolina.
In addition to watching the webinar recording, you can also check out our blog on these historic federal rules to learn more.