Solar Tax Abatement Passes Florida Legislature

Guest Blog | March 9, 2016 | Press Releases


March 9, 2016

Contact: Jennifer Rennicks, SACE, 865.235.1448, [email protected]



Solar Tax Abatement Passes Florida Legislature

Policy to lower cost of solar to be on August 2016 primary ballot


Tallahassee, Fla. (March 9, 2016) – A diverse coalition of business, conservative, consumer, solar industry, faith-based, and environmental organizations applaud the leadership of State Senator Jeff Brandes and State Representative Ray Rodrigues for their efforts to lower the cost of solar power in the Sunshine State.

Today both chambers of Florida’s state legislature voted to place CS/HJR 193 and CS/HB 195 on the August primary ballot. The bi-partisan policy measures would remove a barrier to renewable energy installations– by exempting, for 20 years, the assessed value of renewable energy devices from the real property tax and the onerous tangible personal property tax – which are roadblocks to meaningful development in Florida.

Once approved by voters in August and implemented by the Florida Legislature, this policy will help Floridians save money by reducing the tax burden that currently exists for solar. This change will allow Floridians to lock in energy savings, create jobs, and spur economic development in local communities while bringing much needed diversity to the state’s energy mix.

Key organizations supporting this important measure include:

  • Christian Coalition
  • Conservatives for Energy Freedom
  • Florida Retail Federation
  • Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association
  • Florida Solar Energy Industries Association
  • Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
  • The Nature Conservancy


“Solar jobs are growing at 20 times the national average,” said Mike Antheil, Director of the Florida Solar Energy Industries Association “We will grow more jobs in Florida as we lower the cost of solar power.”

“Tourism – the biggest industry in Florida – will benefit from the energy savings that reducing taxes will offer,” said Richard E. Turner, General Counsel and Vice President of Government Relations for the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association. “The power of the sun is one of the state’s greatest resources. It’s time we harness it to power our homes and businesses.”

Susan Glickman, Florida Director of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, agreed: “Reducing the cost of energy is a win for consumers, a win for job creation and a win for the state’s economy. Reducing taxes will help unlock solar power in The Sunshine State.”

“I am overjoyed with the passing of this bill through great cooperation by so many political and business groups working in tandem with the legislature to give citizens a voting opportunity to help move Florida into the 21st century regarding energy,” said Tory Perfetti, Florida director of Conservatives for Energy Freedom.

