SACE Nuclear Teleconference
Listen to experts Peter Bradford, Henry Sokolski, Dr. Ed Lyman, and Sara Barczak deliver a stern warning during a SACE-hosted news conference on October 22, 2009 urging the Department of Energy (DOE) to halt controversial plans to issue nuclear loan guarantees. These guarantees are part of the DOE’s Title XVII Loan Guarantee Program. Two of the four new nuclear projects that the DOE is reported to be considering for taxpayer-backed loan guarantees are AP-1000 designs proposed by the Southern Company at the Vogtle site in Georgia and the South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) V.C. Summer site. Learn how the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s recent objection to major problems in the AP-1000 reactor design call into serious question the future of over half of proposed new reactors in the United States.
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