SACE Likes TVA’s Generation Partners Program
Knoxville, Tenn. (July 13, 2010) — Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) is pleased with today’s announcement of TVA’s Generation Partners program updates, which will honor all existing solar contracts in development and resume processing for all qualified systems up to 999kW. “We are happy with the recent updates to the program. The solar industry is vital to the development of clean energy in the Tennessee Valley, bringing thousands of jobs and billions of dollars to our communities,” says SACE’s Executive Director Dr. Stephen Smith. “We believe that TVA should be aggressive in promoting and deploying clean solar energy given the increase in costs for dirty conventional energy sources combined with the reduction in costs for renewable energy.”
Today, TVA announced the following:
• Honor commitments to distributors and developers in the Valley who have been discussing projects with TVA staff over the last several months.
• Resume processing of all submitted participation agreements for Qualifying Systems meeting program requirements up to 999 kW submitted to TVA by 11:59 PM (ET) on August 31, 2010. Allow 1 year instead of 6 months for installation of all Qualifying Systems over 200 kW (existing or new) with no extensions beyond a year.
• Maintain Generation Partners Pilot program as currently structured for projects under 200 kW and evaluate long-term opportunities for projects greater than 200 kW and less than 20 MW with both distributors and renewable power developers.
SACE will continue to collaborate with the regional solar industry and work with TVA to develop strategies for the ongoing growth of solar energy. # # # Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is a nonprofit organization that promotes responsible energy choices that create global warming solutions and ensure clean, safe, and healthy communities throughout the Southeast.