SACE Applauds Historic EPA Program Advancing Solar for Low Income Households

"Solar for All" program will enable thousands of households with low incomes and in disadvantaged communities to be powered by solar

April 22, 2024
Contact: Amy Rawe, SACE, 865-235-1448, [email protected]

The Solar For All program, run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announced awardees today, including more than $750 million across the Southeast. The funding will enable thousands of households with low incomes and in disadvantaged communities to be powered by solar, reducing their bills by hundreds of dollars each year. The grants are a portion of the program’s $7 billion being awarded nationally today, aimed at lowering energy costs and reducing pollution with the installation of clean, affordable, and resilient rooftop solar.

In the blog post Historic Announcement Advances Solar For Tens of Thousands of Households with Low Incomes, Chris Carnevale, SACE’s Climate Advocacy Director, said, “Solar for All will help low-income households nationwide, but the $750 million awarded to the Southeast will be particularly impactful. This region has some of the highest energy burdens in the entire country. Affordable solar can not only empower homes, it can reconcile historic inequities.” 

Awardees in the Southeast region are:

  • Georgia: $156,010,000 to the Capital Good Fund (more info here)
  • North Carolina: $156,120,00 to NC Department of Environmental Quality (program summary here)
  • Florida: $156,120,000 to SELF (Solar and Energy Loan Fund) (program summary here)
  • Tennessee: $156,120,000 to TN Department of Environment and Conservation (program summary here)

Additionally, $156,120,000 was awarded to Groundswell to run a Southeast regional program that extends more broadly than SACE’s five-state focus area, and hundreds of millions of dollars were awarded to other multistate and multitribe initiatives that may fund projects in the Southeast.

SACE applauds the federal government and the awardees announced today for facilitating this historic program, and is excited to see more people in the Southeast benefit from clean, affordable solar energy. A complete list of the selected applicants can be found on EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar for All website.

Learn more about Solar for All in the blog post: Historic Announcement Advances Solar For Tens of Thousands of Households with Low Incomes

About the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
Since 1985, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy has worked to promote responsible and equitable energy choices to ensure clean, safe, and healthy communities throughout the Southeast. Learn more at