“Energy Efficiency in the Southeast” Fourth Annual Report

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Energy efficiency is a low-cost, clean energy resource that reduces energy waste and carbon emissions while lowering customer bills. But too many utilities, including some of the Southeast’s largest, fail to serve the efficiency needs of their customers and instead continue to over-rely on outdated fossil fuel generation.
“Energy Efficiency in the Southeast”, developed by the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE), tracks recent policy developments and performance trends in electric utility efficiency from 2020. In its fourth installment, it continues to highlight that, despite being a proven low-cost clean energy resource with enormous potential to reduce carbon emissions and customers’ energy burdens, Southeastern utilities continue to underinvest in energy efficiency.
As a result, households in many Southeastern states have some of the highest electricity usage and monthly energy bills in the nation. However, some states and utilities are making progress, and it’s not too late for local policymakers to take advantage of untapped efficiency savings to help reach crucial decarbonization goals.
Our latest report centers on utility efficiency savings from 2020 (the most recent year with complete data) taken as a percent of the prior year’s retail sales – which creates a standard metric to compare performance between utilities and states of different sizes. Our data findings are presented with both historical context and the most recent policy trends to give a sense of where efficiency savings performance will likely go in the coming years.
Energy Efficiency in the Southeast Fourth Annual Report