Duke Energy’s plan leaves customers w/ a $7.7 billion off-the-books bill & other problems

Guest Blog | April 14, 2014 | Press Releases

Gudrun Thompson, Southern Environmental Law Center, [email protected], 919-967-1540
Jennifer Rennicks, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, 865.235.1448, [email protected]
Jenna Garland, Sierra Club, (404) 281-6398, [email protected]

Asheville, N.C. – On Friday, April 11, the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) filed comments with the North Carolina Utilities Commission on behalf of its clients Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) and the Sierra Club on Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) and Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs).

Duke Energy’s 2013 IRPs for DEC and DEP represent its long-range plans for how the utilities will meet their customers’ need for power in an economic and reliable way. Unfortunately, as in past IRPs, the current IRPs result in plans that are higher-cost and higher-risk than necessary – such as the $7.7 billion of future environmental compliance costs that are not presently factored in.

A complete copy of our comments is available online here.