Bringing Clean Energy to the Southeast

Guest Blog | February 1, 2008 | Reports and Fact Sheets

Bringing Clean Energy to the Southeastern United States

Achieving the Federal Renewable Energy Standard

Revised February 2008

The Southeast has the ingenuity and renewable energy resources tobecome more energy independent when our utilities meet a modest federalrenewable energy standard. As defined in the energy bill passed by theU.S. House of Representatives in December 2007, eight southeasternutilities would be affected by the standard. These eight southeasternutilities represent:

  • Total electricity sales of about 470,000 GWh (gigawatt-hours)
  • Out-of-region renewable generation of about 5,000 GWh
  • The opportunity to implement energy efficiency exceeding the 20 – 25,000 GWh that may be used to meet the federal standard
  • Future demand for about 60,000 GWh of renewable energy generation in order to meet the federal standard

Our summary of existing data demonstrates that these eight utilities have access to over 135,000 GWh of feasible renewable resources for electricity generation – more than twice the amount needed to meet the 15 percent standard. BringingCleanEnergytoSE.pdf