Advisory: Webinar Series on Reversing Carbon Emissions with Biocarbon Tools Begins in June

Guest Blog | June 5, 2014 | Press Releases

Regional experts to present in five-part “Biocarbon Tools in Action in the Southeast” webinar series

Contact: John Bonitz, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, [email protected], 919-360-2492


NORTH CAROLINA – Recent findings of climate scientists show that we must not only stop greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., replace oil, coal, and gas with wind, solar and efficiency) — we must also begin removing carbon from the atmosphere and putting it someplace safe. Smart forestry, adaptive agriculture, composting, sustainable bioenergy co-producing biochar, and Carbon Life Cycle Analysis are all tools for putting more carbon back into the biosphere.

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is convening experts to present on these subjects in a series of five webinars in June and July.

WHEN: All webinars will run from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EDT,
June 24 – How Bioenergy Can Help Store Carbon in Soil
June 26 – Compost for Rebuilding Soil Carbon
July 8 – Farmers Adapting to New Risks in a Changing Climate
TBD – July 10 or 17 – Forest Carbon & Sustainable Biomass Harvests
July 15 – Measuring Climate Benefit: Carbon Life Cycle Analysis of Bioenergy

WHERE: All webinars are free and access information will be sent to all who register.

Dr Jeff Novak, USDA Agricultural Research Service – Soil Scientist
Tom Miles, Professional Engineer, TR Miles Technical Consultants
Dr Andrew Carpenter, Soil Scientist, Northern Tilth
Dr Sally Brown, Research Associate Professor, University of Washington
Frank Franciosi, Director of Composting, Novozymes (and Past President of the United States Compost Council)
Dr Steve McNulty, USDA, Southeast Regional Climate Hub (SERCH)
Dr Laura Lengnick, professor, Warren Wilson College, author of “Resilient Agriculture: Cultivating Food Systems for a Changing Climate.”
Dr Mark Megalos, Forestry Extensionist, NCSU

Peter Lukken, U.S. Army, Fort Benning, GA
Dr Alexander Evans, Research Director, Forest Guild
Jesse Daystar, President, Triangle Life Cycle Assessment
Dr Adam Taylor, Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Knoxville

COST: FREE but you must register for access information.



Founded in 1985, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is a nonprofit organization that promotes responsible energy choices that create climate change solutions and ensure clean, safe, and healthy communities throughout the Southeast. Learn more at