
A Hero for Our Times: Meet Clean Energy Girl

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


The Silver Lining to Florida's Disappointing Energy Efficiency Efforts

I have been putting off writing this blog because I have not found a positive angle to the story of Florida's energy efficiency goals, and I was still hoping that there might…


Behind closed doors: Ala. PSC decisions are out of public sight and mind

The following op-ed piece ran in the The Cruthirds Report on Dec. 5th and was authored by SACE staff and Michael Churchman of Alabama Environmental Council. On the day of the Public…


Insights on climate and energy from the newest Nobel Prize winner

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


A Poem for the Florida Commission: Deny the Utilities' Meager Goals

In Florida, land of the sun The utilities pulled a fast one. No efficiency tools Without swimming pools Low Income? You’ll end up with none.   With the RIM test used as…


Koch Empire Attacks Energy Efficiency

Right-wing organizations, many of which are connected to Charles and David Koch, have now turned to attacking the cheapest, most modular, reliable, and zero-carbon resource - energy efficiency. One would think that…


Energy Efficiency At The Forefront of Cooperative Principles In Tennessee

The following post was written by Appalachian Voices Energy Policy Director Rory McIlmoil, and was originally published on the App Voices Front Porch Blog. Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is partnered with App…


Public Shut Out of FPL Rate Increase Deal

The Florida Supreme Court ruled today that a deal struck between industrial users and the states biggest power company, FPL, and approved by the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC), could move forward. The…


TVA Board Approves Retirement of Allen Coal Plant in Memphis

Today the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Board of Directors voted unanimously to retire all three coal-fired units of the Allen Fossil Plant (990 MW) in Memphis and approved replacement with a new…


TVA should expand investment in solar

This post, by Anne Davis of the Southern Environmental Law Center and Stephen Smith of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, was originally a Guest Column in Knoxville News-Sentinel on Saturday, August…