
Climate Change, Zika Virus, TVA and Clean Line Windpower , Dr. Stephen A. Smith

Below are the public comments given by Southern Alliance for Clean Energy's Executive Director, Dr. Stephen A. Smith, to the TVA Board of Directors during a public meeting held August 25, 2016. First,…


Guest Post - The Present and Future of Smart Charging: Experts Weigh In

SACE is committed to finding ways to enhance our energy systems, support greater penetration of electric vehicles. improve demand response and work with our utilities to identify opportunities that maximize these benefits.…


Sparks Fly at FPL Rate Hike Public Hearings

You would think that $1.65 billion dollars would be enough profit for Florida Power and Light (FPL) – Florida’s biggest power company. Yet, it recently proposed a 24% rate hike on customers…


Sleeping Giants: TVA and Georgia Power Stuck in Second Gear on Energy Efficiency

This is the third entry in a new blog series entitled Energy Savings in the Southeast. We will dive into the recent performance of Southeastern utilities’ energy efficiency programs, and highlight how the region…


A Tale of Two Utilities: Post-Merger Duke Sees Growth in Carolina Energy Efficiency

This is the second entry in a new blog series entitled Energy Savings in the Southeast. We will dive into the recent performance of Southeastern utilities’ energy efficiency programs, and highlight how the region can…


JEA Staff Aims to Weaken Net Metering – Will its Board Agree?

SACE staffer George Cavros contributed to this post. At the February 16th Jacksonville Electric (JEA) Board meeting, JEA staff asked its board to approve several solar initiatives – but one of them…


Southeast Energy Savings Pacesetter: Entergy Arkansas Breaks the 1% Barrier

This is the first entry in a new blog series entitled Energy Savings in the Southeast. We will dive into the recent performance of Southeastern utilities' energy efficiency programs, and highlight how the region can…


Florida’s Highest Court Approves Solar Choice

This week marks an important milestone for solar policy in the Southeast, specifically Florida. Florida’s Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the language proposed by the Floridians for Solar Choice ballot initiative…


Beyond Admiration: Changing the Energy Efficiency Conversation

“You coming or going?” a gruff voice asked as I tightened my seatbelt and settled in for my flight from Little Rock to Dallas.  I turned towards my seatmate, a large man…


5 Reasons Utilities Are Hating on Their Solar-Producing Customers

This is a guest post by John Farrell, who is the Director of Democratic Energy at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and widely known as the guru of distributed energy. The original…