
Wait 'Til Next Year: Solar Rebates "Sell Out" In Record Time

You snooze; you lose. Only the North Carolina residents who submitted applications on the first two days will receive funds under Duke Energy's 2019 Solar Rebate Program. Others will go on a…


It's 2018 - Time for Equitable Voting Practices

As the voting demographic changes to reflect the true makeup of American communities, and as more and more Americans are striving to have their voices heard in key elections, we must take…


NC Gov. Roy Cooper Takes Big Steps in Climate Protection

Last week, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper issued an executive order to protect North Carolinians' public health and environment, and grow the state's economy by taking action on climate change. The executive…


EarthShare NC Makes Workplace Giving Easy

SACE is proud to be part of EarthShare North Carolina, a coalition of conservation nonprofits working to preserve and enhance the natural environment.  The conservation nonprofits that make up EarthShare NC are…


Join us for Solar Sundae Fundraiser in Asheville on July 8

This blog was written by Sarah Gilliam, former Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Duke Energy Carolinas wants to charge you $18 each month before you even flip a switch!

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


North Carolina Proposes Wind Farm Ban, Defies Department of Defense

This blog was written by Simon Mahan, former Energy Policy Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Solar Sunday at Highland Brewing Company!

This blog was written by Sarah Gilliam, former Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Retired Fighter Pilot Responds to "Fact Free" Attacks on Wind Farm in NC

This blog was written by Sarah Gilliam, former Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Democracy for Sale Screens Across North Carolina

This is a guest blog from Working Films, originally posted here. New screenings could be added after this guest post is published so check the original post for the most up to date info.…