
North Carolina takes significant step towards offshore wind energy development

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


TVA should expand investment in solar

This post, by Anne Davis of the Southern Environmental Law Center and Stephen Smith of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, was originally a Guest Column in Knoxville News-Sentinel on Saturday, August…


Lynn Ringenberg, M.D.: Coal Ash Pollution Needs Tighter Regulation

This post, written by Lynn Ringenberg, originally appeared in the South Florida Sun Sentinel on August 5, 2014. You can access the original article here.  A national epidemic has come to Florida. It is a…


Will Hurricanes Iselle and Julio Destroy Hawaii's Wind Farms?

Hawaii is preparing for a hurricane double-hitter over the next several days. Hurricane Iselle, which is due to make landfall on Thursday, is followed closely by Hurricane Julio, which may (or may…


Kingston Recovery Continues: TVA Pays $27.8 Million to Coal Ash Spill Victims

Last week the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) finally agreed to pay $27.8 million to more than 800 property owners who suffered damage from the massive 2008 Kingston coal ash spill. The spill…


All Aboard the Roller Coaster: Ala. Coal Week in Review

News about Alabama's coal – its alleged divine origins, televised misinformation from elected officials, pleas to the federal Environmental Protection Agency, closure and conversion of coal plants, and now, a lawsuit against…


NC's Coal Ash Disaster: 6 Months Later

Six months ago some of our worst fears became true (for a second time) when 140,000 tons of coal ash and contaminated wastewater spilled into the Dan River near Eden, North Carolina.…


Ala. PSC’s Twinkle "Queen of Coal" Cavanaugh intentionally misleads public on television interview

There is a famous saying by the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts." This morning, Twinkle Cavanaugh, chair of the Alabama…


Packed House at EPA's Atlanta Hearing on Carbon Rules

 Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency began two days of public hearings in Atlanta to gather public input on its proposed Clean Power Plan.  Originally planned as a one-day hearing, EPA added an…


Hypocrisy and Cronyism in the 'Sunshine' State

This guest post is written by Brian Holton Henderson, and was originally published on Huff Post Green on July 16, 2014. You can access the original post here. If the rhetoric is to…